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Basics for fall 2016 Oct 15, 2016 • By Jeniffer Varela


It’s already here. The temperature is going down and fall has arrived. Again, so quickly and making us miss summer already. But the fact that we have to change wardrobe doesn’t mean we have to quit our style and our chicness in order to have a little bit more clothes on. Personally, fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year. I love creating outfits based on layers and have the opportunity to add cool accessories to my looks. Gloves, scarfs, hats… not the much practical thing, but it is fun for sure!
And of course, every season has its trends. Some of them are going to be with us for the whole year (that means you can keep your bomber jacket, your high waist jeans, and your bodysuits), but some others are meant to keep us warm for a while and a small group is making a comeback from last fall, so hopefully you didn’t throw them out just yet. Let’s see what we have!
Over the knee boots

Speaking of comebacks… the favorites of last autumn are making an appearance again to make your outfits look not only chic but really, really bold. The change from this year from 20115 lies on the fabric, which can be anything from leather to suede, to metallic. If you want an advice, go for a neutral color and wear them with dresses, skirts, and shorts. If you’re not that edgy, you can always throw some leggings or tights in the mix. They’re forbidden to wear with jeans. Don’t try it, just don’t.
Duster coats

These things are the favorites in Hollywood. From Chrissy Thiegen to the Kardashians, Gigi Hadid and her friends are rocking this long line light coat. The most popular colors are pastels and the shades of gray (yeah, I get the joke) in silky materials that will make your outfit instantly look like a million dollars. Been this an unstructured piece, you may want to pair it with something really fitted. Try the Kardashian combo: high waist jeans, bodysuit, and heels. It can work for a dressed up lunch or a night out. Up to you.
Ok, here is where I start having some problems. I’m not a fan of this fabric or any look that you can get out of it. My business partner, though, she hates it. She wants to eliminate all velvet from earth. Not kidding, all of it. But it looks like this year the world turned against her and put this material back on the map. And let’s face it since it is warm it can be really helpful in cold weather. And you can wear on any piece, from top to skirts to chokers or shoes, depending on the level of the risk you want to take. If you really want to stand out, wear a velvet dress, but mix the texture with some other fabric, never use it head to toe and keep the accessories simple.
Statement fur

Have you seen the Saint Laurent coat that is causing a buzz out there because of its heart shape? It’s not only a random thing celebs are trying to make into a trend, fur this season it’s a trend itself. I know in some places is not the time to put out the big guns yet, but if you’re in the mood, you can try a big piece of fur that actually stands out and make a statement. It can be worn with jeans, skirts, dresses, and the good thing is that you just have to put together a single outfit, add a fur to the mix and you’re ready to go. The best time to use is definitely at night, and it is a great option for elegant occasions. One important reminder: try faux fur, it is more affordable and you remain friends with nature.
High cut booties
Ankle boots are always a classic, but this season stars are a little bit higher, literally speaking. The booties that you’re going to love this fall have wider heels and are fitted to the ankle and a little up. Think about those shoes that Gigi, Kendall and all the supermodel gang have been flashing for the last couple of weeks. The good thing is that they don’t have to be designer's, you can find them in your favorite low-cost brand. The advice here is going exactly the opposite of classic, with an edgy material (suede or velvet) and a bold color (think blue, green, marsala or even mustard). And although these ones can look pretty awesome and are actually warm, you’re not supposed to wear them in the rain unless you want them to get ruined.