By Tamparey Jones
I had the pleasure of Interviewing Mrs. Rachel Barrett-Dolcine and I must say she's a walking superwoman. With a background in Public Speaking, Writing and Business ownership, Mrs. Rachel is well rounded in many areas and gives us an interview that is raw and uncut. Speaking about her struggle with Depression, and how she overcame dealing with suicidal thoughts she gives us the nitty gritty and holds nothing back. It was such an honor to have interviewed such an amazing woman, and I'm feeling so motivated and inspired right now. Feel free to leave comments below and to connect with Mrs. Dolcine at the links concluding the interview.
I own Compass Consulting and Training Solutions; am the Founder & Board Chair for Joseph & Vera Douglas Family Foundation; Visionary & Event Coordinator for the Mothers & Sons Summit; and author of Conversations With My Son: Fun & Witty Conversation for Mothers Raising Boys.
EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Rachel Barrett-Dolcine, MPA, CPM
By Tamparey Jones
I had the pleasure of Interviewing Mrs. Rachel Barrett-Dolcine and I must say she's a walking superwoman. With a background in Public Speaking, Writing and Business ownership, Mrs. Rachel is well rounded in many areas and gives us an interview that is raw and uncut. Speaking about her struggle with Depression, and how she overcame dealing with suicidal thoughts she gives us the nitty gritty and holds nothing back. It was such an honor to have interviewed such an amazing woman, and I'm feeling so motivated and inspired right now. Feel free to leave comments below and to connect with Mrs. Dolcine at the links concluding the interview.
IFB: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a mother, wife, facilitator, speaker, author, entrepreneur, crafter, philanthropist & lover of laughter.
I am diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I spent most of my life without treatment because I was raised to believe that if I prayed hard enough & had enough faith, I'd be 'healed'. At one point, I was suicidal. For years I lived in shame, guilt & condemnation. How could someone so educated & accomplished be crazy?! With the assistance of medication, therapy & an adopted mother who loved me, I am now able to use my mental illness as a catapult & not a crutch. My mental illness is part of my uniqueness.
I founded a nonprofit Joseph & Vera Douglas Family Foundation, Inc in memory of my grandparents. The Foundation does work in the poorest areas of Jamaica. We focus on literacy, health resources & training women to start their own businesses. This July will be our 5th trip to Jamaica. We will launch a partnership with Dress for Success Jamaica, a nonprofit located in Kingston, Jamaica that provides professional attire, career training & support for unemployed and underemployed women. Through our partnership, they will start offering entrepreneurship training.
IFB: How did you get your idea or concept for your business?
I knew from a young age that I was called to serve & help people. When I was growing up, family, friends & siblings always came to me for advice, direction or problem-solving. A few years after getting married, I was talking to my husband about starting a business. He told me that I was like a compass. He said, "no matter how lost people got, you have a way of helping them find their way and get back on track. You're like the teur north." That's how I got my biz name and eventually settled on my services.
IFB: What services or products do you offer?
Nonprofit startup & consulting
Business startup & consulting
Power Planning Sessions
Conferences and workshops for entrepreneurs
I also sew & craft to manage my anxiety. I'm launching a new business, RJ's Designs. I will be selling my handmade bracelets, tote bags & home accessories; as well as, hosting crafters meetups for busy professionals and others who suffer from anxiety.
IFB: What is one thing many people do not know about you?
I am an introvert. Most people think I'm an extrovert.
IFB: What are your goals for your business?
Eventually, I will solely focus on providing services to nonprofits only, increase the attendance for conferences I host, write a few more books & increase the number of Power Planning session slots I offer per week.
IFB: What do you find to be the most challenging part of being a business owner?
Getting people to respect my prices.
IFB: What are your responsibilities as a business owner?
Manage daily functions, marketing & promotion, strategic planning, financial sustainability, launching new services/products, networking, collaborating with like-minded business owners, and pricing
IFB: If you had one piece of advice to give someone just starting a business, what would it be?
Scared money doesn't make money. You will waste time & money if you decide to only invest in free opportunities. Seek out groups, events & individuals that will give you the knowledge and skills you need.
IFB: What is your biggest motivation?
My son.
IFB: What is your favorite quote? Why?
"Why you? Because there's no one better. Why now? Because tomorrow isn't soon enough." (Donna Brazile)
This quote has inspired me in believing that I am good enough, strong enough, smart enough & whole enough to save myself. I am enough! It has also motivated me to seize the day (carpe diem). As someone who was suicidal, I see every day as precious. I do my best to live in the NOW. Not yesterday & not tomorrow.
IFB: Is there anything else you would like to share?
I will be hosting a Women in Business & Nonprofit Strategic Planning Conference: Money Matters, November 9-10, 2018 in Maryland. The conference will be a working conference with two tracks: nonprofit & small business. Sessions will be focused on marketing, fundraising, business scaling, pricing products/services, franchising, etc. Registration opens on June 1.
Connect with Rachel @