Family & Relationships

Birds Of A Feather

February 15, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

By Tamparey Jones

             I cant stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with like minded people. It makes no sense to have million dollar dreams and in your spare time you are hanging out on the front porch of your friends house drinking mixed drinks with Svedka vodka, add a pineapple chunk or two and you Hollywood. I think not! I see to many people saying and not enough are shaking the table. Not grinds more gears more than to listen to a person talk about all these extravagant things they are going to do, time after time, year after year but the only things i actually see them doing is clubbing every weekend and whatever extra curricular activities they indulge in. Sorry to bust your bubble but  those thing that you talk about are not going to coming knocking at your door. You have to actually put in some leg work, maybe sacrifice some sleep or those weekends filled with Patron and get your shit together. I say that to say this, surrounding yourself with people who talk about vision and ideas are great and all but at some point you all have to quit talking and start doing.

        I myself like to be around people who are established, are already where I want to be in life and actually say things worth listening to. People who are knowledgeable and can hold a decent conversation without getting upset that someone may have a different opinion than them.  No, I'm definitely not where I want to be in my life but one thing is for sure, I'm taking the necessary steps to get there and I will not let friends, boyfriends, relationships or small mindedness stand in my way. I'm on a journey to greatness and if we are not on the same page, lets be clear, we will not be in the same circle. With that, i wish you all growth, happiness and a prosperous year!!