Family & Relationships

Friends, how many of us have them?

February 26, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

By Tamparey Jones

Being a real and true friend should come naturally. There is no handbook on how to be a good friend, its just something that is instilled in you. Everyone knows right from wrong and we all know how we want to be treated, so as a friend you should treat your friends with the same respect that you expect from them.

Majority of my friends are a group of women whom I have grown up with from our childhood to our teens and now as adults. We are all still really good friends, although as life gets hectic and we have all chosen to take different paths in life, from starting families and careers we see less and less of each other but we all know that if we ever need each other we are a phone call away.

We can talk to each other about anything without fear of judging and we know each other so well that half the time we don't even have to speak without knowing what each other is thinking.
The years that we have dedicated to each has created a sisterhood.

I have witnessed so many friendships broken because women are sleeping with their friends lovers, talking behind each others backs, putting each others personal business out or over the all mighty dollar. I personally could not sleep with a friends man and be able to look her in the eyes and still call her a friend. That is the ultimate betrayal and one that should not be easily forgiven. But these new age men and women are doing it more and more, and laughing and joking about it. My thing is why would you disrespect your friend and your own body for a quick sex act? I'm 100 percent certain that the man is not going to want you or be in a committed relationship with you, so you lose your friend and your dignity. It also seems to be a common thing with men, they sleep with each others girlfriends and act like it is no big deal and have even went as far as to create a slogan "Bro's before Hoes" which is the most dumbest crook of shit that I have ever heard in my life and then they complain about not being able to find a good quality women. My theory on that is if you are always looking for a good women by hollering at every big booty that walks into the gas station, then hey you'll probably keep getting the same results. But hey, I'm sure someone has wived a big booty chic from the gas station so who am all to knock your strategy?

 As far as the gossiping goes, its childish and so elementary. As grown women if we have a problem with a friend, why talk and hash it out with them instead of going to an outside source and talking badly about the person? I mean, its going to get to that person regardless so why not just say it to them and be a women about it? I can guarantee you that the person you are talking to your friend about is going to run and tell them or relay the conversation to someone else, who is turn will tell you friend, so why create all the mess and drama, if you aren't brave enough to tell that person face to face then I suggest you just say nothing at all.

The money part.....that's simple for me. I don't lend money to anyone but my mother so I will leave that as an open topic for the comments section of this article.

Ok, rants over......