
Student Aid vs. Government Assistance

February 08, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

 By Tamparey Jones

I want to bring to your attention the struggle that a lot of students have pertaining to funding for college. One thing that bothers me is the fact that there is a Cap on student aid funding but there is no Cap on the amount of government assistance that one can receive. It seems a bit backwards to me that someone who sits at home collecting government assistance can collect checks and food-stamps for a lifetime but someone whom is trying to better themselves by furthering their education is told that they have to look for other ways to cover their tuition. Many people get discouraged and may result to dropping out due to not being able to pay their way, so the number one question that lies is, is attending college really worth it?
85% of students accumulate thousands of dollars in debt, graduate and never obtain a career in the field that they went to school for. There are other ways to obtain assistance for your tuition such as work study programs, grants, scholarships and paid internships. When seeking scholarships you have to be aggressive with your search, which a lot of people tend to give up after applying for just a few. You can ask family and friends for help or you can always be a Stripper, I'm sorry I meant an Exotic dancer. (I'm totally kidding)
According to the College Board the average time frame to pay off student loans is 15 years, which is so ridiculous being as in other countries offer college education for free. However I did find a great site called fastweb.com that assist you with searching for scholarships that you qualify for. Also its important to know that when applying for loans you should always apply for Federal loans first, and I say that because the Federal loans tend to have a lower interest rate than Private lenders.
Back the the welfare recipients, I truly believe that they give those people a crutch to lean on without a Cap to keep them dependent on the system with a impoverished state of mind. I mean after all they have to have someone living in the ghettos. They cant have all of us running around with knowledge, that's like a deadly weapon to the government. I will say the skills, the great experiences and all the wonderful people that I met while attending college was entirely worth the debt that I accumulated. Although I have about 13 more years of repayment, I have a lifetime of knowledge.