
10 Get-Off-the-Couch Physical Games to Play this Summer

May 19, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

 Couch has become the second favorite thing for children and adults who hate movement-based activities. And you can’t really blame them, the couch offers relaxation and a perfect spot to engage in screen based activities. However, too much couch relaxation can lead to myriad ailments, including heart disease and muscular weakness. School playground equipment or any other play structure for that matter has lost its importance in this era of smartphones and tablets. In this article, I have listed some of the most exciting get-off-the-couch physical games that can help you get fit as a family. So, here we go!
Rhyme as you climb
This game requires a set of wooden blocks, chairs or stools to make a circular pathway. The objective of the game is to start phrase and have the participants rhyme that phrase while they complete the pathway without touching the ground.
The creature acts
Write down the names of different animals and fantasy creatures on different pieces of paper and drop them in a bowl. Now have one player pick a paper and act out the creature without making any sound. The other players have to guess what kind of creature it is. If they fail to guess, they lose.
Act the tune
This is one of the most interesting games for all the family members. In this game, you pick a musical instrument and play a tune for the players (or children). The players have to act out the tune in order to win the game. If they fail to guess and act out the tune, they lose.
Get with a catch
For this game, have every player hurl an inflatable ball into the air and attempt to touch his nose or hands players before the ball drops. The beauty of this game is that all the players lose if they fail to touch hands before the ball drops. Divide children into two groups to make the game more challenging and keep the scores to make things more interesting.
Blow up volleyball
Blow up volleyball is something that offers better exercise than the outdoor playground equipment. This is a different kind of a volleyball game. In this game, your child plays the both sides. Yes, that’s right. Now imagine how much exercise he is going to get with this game. Just like in the traditional volleyball game, if your child misses, he loses.
Nibble snatch
For this game, set out a crisscrossing line of tape from the kitchen pantry towards the table. Place a bowl on the table, and tell your youngster she can utilize it to stir up her own particular custom blend of food. The challenge is that the tyke needs to pick one nibble at once (like dry cereal or chocolate chips) and after that she has to walk, or jump along the tape without going off. On the off chance that she veers from the line with the food item, she can't utilize it in the nibble blend and have to start over again.
Walk like a crab
As the name suggests, the game involves the capability of children to walk in different difficult positions. First you teach your child how to walk like a crab with hands and feet on the floor. The next part is to adjust a bean bag or a pillow on a child’s back as he manages to walk like a crab across the room. If he fails to carry the pillow to the other corner of the room safely, he fails.
Run the mile
For this game, each player stands from a distance of at least 20 feet from another player forming a large circle. The goal of the game is to run around the circle and tag another kid who then runs around and tags another kid. The challenging part is to tag the person who stands 3 spots away from your spots. For example, a child who runs the first round should be able to remember the person who stands three spots away from his spot, and tag him.
Blow up balloons
For this game, attach balloons with a string to each player’s leg. Now gather all the players in a room with ample space for a large circle. Stand all the players in a circle and start the game. Each player will need to pop the balloons attach to the other players’ leg. Whoever pops the more balloons wins the game.
Voyaging b-ball
For this game, place a bowl in every room and give every player a rolled up sock. Have the players remain in the entryway and attempt to get their sock into the bowl. As every player scores, he advances to the following room. Keep a score board and enjoy a family-fun game.
Stand together
In this game, have two children sit on the floor with their arms connected at the elbows. Now ask the children to get themselves into a standing position without losing the connection. They'll have to push against one another to get to their feet. Now make things challenging by asking them to stroll around and pick things from the floor. See is they can manage to stand together and pick things simultaneously.
You do not always have to drive down to a community playground or engage your kids with commercial playground equipment nature to have the right amount if recreation and exercise. The above-mentioned games can help you get your family leave the couch and engage in some physical activities that can strengthen your bones and muscles for a prosperous lifestyle.