Although the socks say for men, they are just as suitable for women. I received them complementary from the brand and really liked the fact that I could wear them with my sneakers without them showing. They were really comfortable and after a few minutes they were so comfy that I forgot that I even had them on. Although I have not worn them with dress shoes I am absolutely positive that they will feel great and be will be better than wearing stocking or those thick dress socks. The set came with 3 pair, 1 grey pair, 1 white and 1 black. My guy is a bus driver and wears boots all day, so he complained of his feet sweating all of the time. I gave him a pair of these socks to see if that would help him and it said that his feet felt so much better wearing these socks rather than regular socks. The socks are very light weight, and are made with high quality fibers and 80% cotton and they also have these little grips on the heels to prevent the socks from slipping.
These socks would be great for teen who are athletes or wear sneakers a lot. They are also ideal for adult men and women to wear with pretty much any type of shoe or just to lounge around the house in.