
Goal Digging

September 09, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

Achieving a huge goal is similar to achieving smaller goals. However, you must be much more diligent and aware of any negative thoughts associated with your goal. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose all your momentum. Huge goals take more time and persistence. If you're up for the challenge, there is no reason you can't achieve a huge goal.

Set a big goal and change your life quickly:
  1. Choose the right goal. A goal can be too big. If your goal exceeds your belief that you can be successful, you're finished before you even get started. The biggest goal you can reasonably achieve is a goal that makes you think you can be successful if everything goes perfectly and you work hard. Anything beyond that may create too much internal resistance.
  2. Get clear on what success means. Some goals, like weight loss and income goals, are easy to measure. Other goals can be more challenging. Be sure you know how you'll measure your success. Otherwise, you might be successful and not even know it. Visualize success. Spend a few minutes each night visualizing success. Imagine how you'll feel when your goal is achieved. Where will you be? How will you feel?
  3. Create a plan. Develop a general plan that will ensure success. It can helpful to start at the end and work your way backwards. Work back until you have a step that you can do today.
  4. Develop habits related to your action plan. Seek to develop habits that help you to reach your goals. For example, you might take a daily walk before breakfast if you're trying to lose weight. Or your habit might be to skip breakfast!
  5. Review your results regularly. You can't know how well or poorly you're doing if you never check. Regularly review your progress and make the necessary adjustments along the way. This is an important step that many people skip.
  6. Check your attitude daily. Are you feeling doubtful, intimidated, or fearful? Are you procrastinating? It's critically important to deal with negative feelings immediately. The amount of willpower anyone possesses is limited. You can't push your way through negative emotions indefinitely.
  7. Find a mentor. Odds are, someone else has already accomplished your very goal. It only makes sense to take advantage of someone else's knowledge and experience. Most people are happy to help. It never hurts to ask. If necessary, consider hiring a mentor/coach. It might be some of the best money you've ever spent.