
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing

November 04, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

By  www.McNeilsReviews.com

The author of The Fine Print of Self-Publishing does a fine job of turning on the headlights toward common pitfalls of self-publishing. Warning lights include: how not to identify your target audience, what to avoid when selecting an editor or publisher, the things you should not write about, and the people who do not qualify as editors.

The beginning of the book glares the reader with the author's personal anecdotes and the end glares the reader again with charts, ratings, and statistics. However, as you read the material in between, you'll find that the author holds out a lantern on the pathway of self-publishing. This book beams with tips for an honest sale practice, good and bad examples of copy editing, advice on advertising and marketing books, and the most cherished, the best places to get web traffic.

The lighthouse of this book is the explanation of publishing contract language and terms. You'll learn how to detect and evade contract terminology which can cripple the inexperienced self-publisher. You'll also learn specific phrases and their meanings and how to use them to protect your rights.
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing is a good book to read just after writing your first book but before selecting a publishing company or signing any contract.

My favorite quote:
"Effective book marketing makes the most of your book's assets and your own personal strengths so that your work reaches not just a lot of people, but the right people."-- Mark Levine