25 Things you Need to Know to be a Successful Business Mom
Everybody and their Aunty can start an online business these days. You can open a shop on Etsy in minutes, create an attractive, fully functional website in a day using a platform like Squarespace, add your services to sites like Fiverr and you're 'in business'.
But there's a great big fat World of difference between just 'starting a business' and actually growing that business into a profitable, successful business. So to keep your feet firmly on the ground - here's 25 things you need to now about becoming a successful Business Mom.
You've got to get your attitude on!
1. It's hard work!
You will regularly feel like you can't do it any more and your brain is turning to mush. Have some sleep and start again tomorrow. You can do it!
2. You have to really really want to do it!
3. You need to take your business seriously
If you don't no one else will. Treat it like a 'proper' business. Because it is!
4. There will never be the 'perfect time' to start
5. You'll make mistakes
And learn from them and go on to do something better.
6. You'll have to make sacrifices
You can't 'have it all'. You need to decide what is most important and let go of some things.
7. You need long term life goals
You are not just building a business. You are creating the life you want by growing a business that fits into that life. If all you do is build a business you will end up with it ruling your life not your life ruling your business.
8. To love what you do isn't enough
It definitely helps to build a business around something you're passionate about but you're not just going to be able to do the fun stuff all day every day. You have to have determination, a desire to succeed and iron strong focus to keep going through the bad times and the late nights and the failures to get to the life you've dreamed of.
You've got to think like a Business Owner.
9. You will need to continue to invest time and money as your business grows
A business is never fully 'set up'. It grows and develops and changes all the time. With each and every new product, service, marketing method etc comes the need for investment.
10. It will take time to make a profit
It is unlikely you will become an overnight success. Celebrate the small successes to keep yourself positive about your progress.
11. You need to plan
To build a business on limited time and a limited start up budget you need to be only doing what needs to be done to get the maximum results. To keep focused on doing that and not goofing off on Facebook you need a plan of action and you need to stick to it!
If you don't already have one, create a brand mission statement and ensure all of your products, blog posts, free resources, marketing and social media are all planned with that mission statement in mind
12. You need to manage your time
You're never just going to have the time to do everything you need to do for your business. Get up early, stay up late, pack your children off to Granny's.... do whatever works for you to fit your business into your life.
13. You need to know what you can and can't do
Do what you can and hire a professional to do what you can't. Don't ask can you afford to hire someone, ask can you afford not to!
14. Value yourself and your work
Price your products or services to pay yourself what you're worth. You are providing value to your customers that will enhance their lives.
16. Find a support network
You can't do this on your own. Encourage family and friends to help with babysitting and practical tasks. Connect with other BusinessMums that share your fears, hopes and frustrations and they will help you and keep you motivated on the bad days
16. You need to know your legal responsibilities
Copyright infringement is theft, not declaring your profits is fraud, not carrying out safety tests is just downright irresponsible. Yet I see it all the time, along with the excuse "I didn't know". If you don't stay legal you risk being fined and / or losing your business
17. You need to get off Facebook!
In so many ways. Facebook is a time suck - avoid it and stop wasting time on it! Stop selling solely on Facebook - it's time consuming, doesn't show your products in a cohesive way and less than 20% of your likers will see your posts unless you pay. Pay for a shop somewhere like Etsy or Shopify instead or even better invest in your own website
18. Consider an email list
Your email list is the perfect place for building personal relationships with people that are interested enough in what you do to actually let you have their email address! Use your weekly, or monthly email to provide extra value (not necessarily monetary - think behind the scenes looks, previews of new products, early access to new products, extras on top of blog posts) and turn your subscribers into your super fans!
19. You need to find time to think
Sometimes you have to stop. When you are busy working, your brain is always busy. You are concentrating on what work you are doing, as well as the next 5 things you need to do! But great ideas come to you when you are quiet and allow your mind to wander. Do not do so much research all of your ideas are amalgamations of other people's. Allow your self time to find your own inspiration.
20. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
Whether it's advice, the sales spiel for a course or book, the next greatest app - it doesn't matter. Research everything fully and only invest time and money in what you really need
21. Create a marketing funnel
Do not try and sell to people on social media - use that to foster relationships and community and spread the word about your brand. Funnel them to your website, blog or shop where you will have their full attention and more control about how you engage them. The ones that are interested enough to click through to your site are more receptive to finding out more about you and spending money
22. You need to evaluate your results
You need to set targets and you need to review those targets to make sure you are making the progress you wanted to. If you don't set targets and don't know if you're reaching them you will have no idea, until you realise far too late, that it's all gone wrong!
23. You need to work smart
With a finite amount of time in your working day your focus needs to be on working only on what needs to be done in the most streamlined way possible. Use automation and tools to help you out and plan what you need to do.
24. You need to know who your target audience is
(Ps: it's not everybody) You need to narrow it down to the type of customers that need or desire what you sell and market only to them. Because they are the ones most likely to buy.
25. It's totally worth the effort
The hard work, lack of sleep, all the new skills you have to learn, every barrier (whether actual or in your head) is worth overcoming to be making your own money at something you actually want to be doing and still be at home with your kids.