Self Improvement

April Boss Babe Journal Challenge

March 31, 2018 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

  1. WHO I AM – Who are you? What are your values? What do you believe in?
  2. WHO I WANT TO BE – What does your ideal self-look like? Do you have a long way to go or are you almost there?
  3. MY IDEAL DAY – What does a perfect day look like for you?
  4. MY IDEAL LIFE – If your life was JUST the way you wanted it to be… what would it look like?
  5. DREAMING BIG – What are some of your big dreams and hopes for the future?
  6. BRAINSTORMING – If you have a lot on your mind, it can be helpful to sit down for a brainstorming session. Share your brainstorm today :)
  7. SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE… – What does success mean to you? How will you know when you’re there?
  8. GETTING INSPIRED – What are some of your favorite ways to get inspired?
  9. PERSONAL GOALS – Make a list of some of your personal goals.
  10. CAREER GOALS – Make a list of some of your career goals.
  11. LIFE GOALS – What are some of your BIG life goals?
  12. SMALL PLANS – Not all goals have to be big… what are some small things you’re working towards right now?
  13. MORNING ROUTINE – What does your morning routine look like? What tweaks can you make to start your day off on the right foot?
  14. EVENING ROUTINE – What does your evening routine look like? Are you setting yourself up for success the following day?
  15. DAILY TASKS – What are some tasks that you have to get done each and every day?
  16. TIME MANAGEMENT – How do you manage your time?
  17. BEATING PROCRASTINATION – Procrastination is something we all battle against. What are your favorite ways of overcoming it?
  18. MY STRENGTHS – What are some of your top strengths?
  19. MY WEAKNESSES – Do you have any weaknesses that you need to work on?
  20. PROGRESS TRACKING – How do you track your progress towards your goals?
  21. TODAY – What can you do TODAY to take a small step towards one of your bigger goals?
  22. THIS WEEK – What can you do this week to make progress?
  23. THIS MONTH – What needs to happen this month in order for you to feel successful?
  24. SETBACKS – We all deal with setbacks from time to time. How do you overcome them?
  25. PROJECT PLANNING – How do you plan out and keep track of your larger projects?
  26. MY MENTORS – Do you have mentors in your life that inspire you and encourage you to achieve your goals? Sing their praises today :)
  27. DEADLINES – How do you cope with approaching deadlines? Are your deadlines self-imposed or are they put there by others?
  28. MOTIVATION – How do you stay motivated as you pursue your goals and dreams?
  29. ACCOUNTABILITY – Do you have an accountability partner? How do you hold yourself accountable to get things done?
  30. ASKING FOR HELP – What are some things that you could use some help with? Who can you reach out to who might be able to help?
  31. CHECK-IN – Check in with your goals today. Are you making progress? Are you stuck? How can you improve and do better from now on?