Self Improvement
By Marna
The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law stating that anything you focus on, you draw into your life. It's a little more tricky than that, however, or anyone who wanted to be a size 6, would just think about being a size 6 and poof - millions of happy size 6's would be born.
In order to understand and harness this law to attracting a thin body, you have to be genuinely clear about a only some things:
1. You Must Get Clear
During my first coaching session with clients I always ask what my clients really, really want. And you know what? Usually, they can spout off a ton of things that they don't want, but determining what it is that they do really want is blurry.
They see they don't want their thighs to rub together, they don't want to grasp for air when climbing up a flight of stairs, they don't want to wear frumpy clothes, and they definitely don't want their "muffin top" hanging over their jeans anymore.
But that's all what they don't want. Getting to what they do want is key. What do you really, really want? Do you want thin thighs or a flat stomach? Do you want to weigh 132 pounds or maybe you've always dreamed of running a 10K? Be specific and clear so that the Universe can determine exactly what you desire. When you get clear, you bring the energy of clarity to your thin body.
You must hold this clarity not just for a day, but forever. Hold this new thin you out to the Universe day in and day out, and it will soon be yours.
2. Whatever Thoughts and Feelings You Focus on MOST Will Determine Your Reality
Are the majority of your thoughts and feelings focused on loving your body, feeling thin, and shifting any negative self-talk over to the positive realm? If not, well it's no wonder you aren't getting what you desire!
Although a lot of people want to lose weight, most people would rather think about how miserable they are because they have not lost the weight, rather than the breathtaking life they will have once they're thinner.
This does take a mental shift. No longer can you be in the space of negativity with your body or you will continue to attract misery and pain and weight.
I know you don't want that!
3. Get Rid Of Those Old and Nasty Beliefs
What old beliefs are you carrying around and magnifying out to the Universe? Do you say you have fat genes, your parents made you fat, you're just big-boned, or the most don't deserve to be thin or there's something wrong with you?
Get out a piece of paper and on the left-hand side, write down all the beliefs you have about your body - good or bad.
Now, on the right-hand side of the page, see if you can transform any of these destructive beliefs not serving your body into more powerful thin-attracting beliefs.
For example, if you always say "I have really thick thighs", a better belief would be "I am so grateful for my thighs, they support me all day long and I love how thin they are becoming."
Do this for every single negative belief and then post these new beliefs somewhere they can be seen and USED. They won't do any good if your new powerful beliefs just hang out on your fridge without being used.
Every time you have a negative thought - stop that fat-belief as best you can and use one or two of your new thin-attracting beliefs.
Before you know it you will naturally begin to lose weight and feel deliciously thin.
Utilizing the incredible power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is powerful. Simply discontinue thinking about your situation in the negative, and begin using positive thoughts instead. There is no doubt the law works, it's simply a matter of you taking advantage of powerful thin-attracting tools and modalities to magnetize thinness to your life.
Use the Law of Attraction to lose Weight
By Marna
The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law stating that anything you focus on, you draw into your life. It's a little more tricky than that, however, or anyone who wanted to be a size 6, would just think about being a size 6 and poof - millions of happy size 6's would be born.
In order to understand and harness this law to attracting a thin body, you have to be genuinely clear about a only some things:
1. You Must Get Clear
During my first coaching session with clients I always ask what my clients really, really want. And you know what? Usually, they can spout off a ton of things that they don't want, but determining what it is that they do really want is blurry.
They see they don't want their thighs to rub together, they don't want to grasp for air when climbing up a flight of stairs, they don't want to wear frumpy clothes, and they definitely don't want their "muffin top" hanging over their jeans anymore.
But that's all what they don't want. Getting to what they do want is key. What do you really, really want? Do you want thin thighs or a flat stomach? Do you want to weigh 132 pounds or maybe you've always dreamed of running a 10K? Be specific and clear so that the Universe can determine exactly what you desire. When you get clear, you bring the energy of clarity to your thin body.
You must hold this clarity not just for a day, but forever. Hold this new thin you out to the Universe day in and day out, and it will soon be yours.
2. Whatever Thoughts and Feelings You Focus on MOST Will Determine Your Reality
Are the majority of your thoughts and feelings focused on loving your body, feeling thin, and shifting any negative self-talk over to the positive realm? If not, well it's no wonder you aren't getting what you desire!
Although a lot of people want to lose weight, most people would rather think about how miserable they are because they have not lost the weight, rather than the breathtaking life they will have once they're thinner.
This does take a mental shift. No longer can you be in the space of negativity with your body or you will continue to attract misery and pain and weight.
I know you don't want that!
3. Get Rid Of Those Old and Nasty Beliefs
What old beliefs are you carrying around and magnifying out to the Universe? Do you say you have fat genes, your parents made you fat, you're just big-boned, or the most don't deserve to be thin or there's something wrong with you?
Get out a piece of paper and on the left-hand side, write down all the beliefs you have about your body - good or bad.
Now, on the right-hand side of the page, see if you can transform any of these destructive beliefs not serving your body into more powerful thin-attracting beliefs.
For example, if you always say "I have really thick thighs", a better belief would be "I am so grateful for my thighs, they support me all day long and I love how thin they are becoming."
Do this for every single negative belief and then post these new beliefs somewhere they can be seen and USED. They won't do any good if your new powerful beliefs just hang out on your fridge without being used.
Every time you have a negative thought - stop that fat-belief as best you can and use one or two of your new thin-attracting beliefs.
Before you know it you will naturally begin to lose weight and feel deliciously thin.
Utilizing the incredible power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is powerful. Simply discontinue thinking about your situation in the negative, and begin using positive thoughts instead. There is no doubt the law works, it's simply a matter of you taking advantage of powerful thin-attracting tools and modalities to magnetize thinness to your life.