Family & Relationships

How People Celebrate Valentines Day

February 14, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

By: Francis K. Githinji

 Different people celebrate Valentines Day in different ways and, you will realize that many cultures of the world have accepted the day. Love is universal and all people like to love and be loved. For this reason, they set aside Valentines Day to be a day where they celebrate all the love they have for each other. However, there are some cultures that have not received this day mainly because they do not fully understand. There is nothing complicated about it; it is celebrating love with loved ones. Most people therefore take this opportunity to visit those loved ones and if nothing else, spend the time together. They undertake different activities just to make sure that they bond at this time. There are others who make a party out of the day and look for different friends to come and celebrate in a more elaborate manner. There is no doubt that people who value the day go out of their way to celebrate Valentines Day in their own special way.

However, for people who do not know what to get up to or how to celebrate Valentines Day, there are so many ideas that can certainly spark their minds so that the day can have the right meaning. First, there are people who keep making excuses. This is to say that they will not celebrate the day unless they have lovers. However this day is not about lovers; it is about love. All people have people they love whether family members or friends. For this reason, it is vital for all people to really look deep inside their hearts and celebrate the gift of love. Even if there are no close people in our lives, we all have the capacity to love and this is definitely worth celebrating. Let friends inspire you with the right ideas so that you can have fun. One thing to make clear though is that people do not need a lot of money to really find the happiness they are looking for on this day. To celebrate Valentines Day, you need to have an open mind and you must be ready to have all the fun.

Many take their families out for a fun day to celebrate Valentines Day while others simply look for quiet places where they choose to have a retreat with the people they love. Others choose to go to fields to play their favorite games and all these will provide the right entertainment. Others go for a movie while some choose to have some drinks with friends. There are many who take this time to remember the unfortunate in society. Life is all about giving and giving love to the less fortunate on valentines which is definitely a good thing. There are many who choose to drive to parks to see animals and marvel at the wonders of nature. There are so many things to do and not having money is not an excuse. Be creative and make the day a memorable one. Life is all about making good and beautiful memories.