Family & Relationships

Strengthening Seeds of Faith and Values in Your Child’s Heart

February 14, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

By: Neal David

 We’ve all heard how impressionable kids are, and it’s true. Everything a child is exposed to either has a positive or negative impact on them. What they see with their eyes and hear through their ears is planted as tiny seeds in the fertile grounds of their hearts and minds. Seeds that are nurtured through affirmation and repetition will begin to take root and grow, forming moral, behavioral and spiritual strongholds in a child’s mind

Unfortunately, not all seeds that are sown into a child are good seeds. Each day our kids are bombarded by negative, immoral messages through secular television and music, which plant seeds of rebellion, violence, vulgar language, and sexual immorality to name just a few. The effects are sobering. America is raising kids that are desensitized, increasingly violent and without morals.

As Christian parents, it’s vital that we use caution in what we allow our children to be exposed to. Practically speaking however, it’s impossible to have complete control over what our kids watch and listen to 100% of the time. At some point in their lives they will see television programs and hear music that contradicts our beliefs and values. So what can a parent do to instill solid Christian values right from the start?

1. Utilize Christian Media. Ideally, the Christian faith should be nurtured and reaffirmed on a daily basis in order to form strong roots in your child’s heart. Utilizing resources such as Christian videos and music is a fun and effective way to sow spiritual seeds of faith and biblical values outside of the Sunday school environment. In addition, by watching and listening to instructional videos and music over and over again, kids will have the added benefit of learning and memorizing Bible verses, Bible stories and praise songs.

2. Limit and Discuss. Allow your child to select several age appropriate programs to watch as well as music to listen to and set time limitations for both. Whenever possible, watch their programs and listen to their music with them. Look for opportunities to discuss the "meaning behind the message" and whether it lines up with your family’s beliefs and values. Encourage your kids ask questions instead of readily accepting everything they see and hear.

3. Spend Time Together. Spend time together playing games, reading, planting a garden, playing sports, or walking the dog. By spending quality time with your kids, you are reaffirming and nurturing the seeds of family values that have been planted in their heart. In addition, you are sowing seeds of quality time and trust. The result is a strong bond with your child that will cause their heart to be open and receptive to the seeds you are planting.

Regardless of what measures we take to protect our kids, we cannot completely prevent them from being exposed to the negative messages found in secular television and music. However, by encouraging Christian videos and music, discussing what they watch and listen to, and spending quality time with them, we can plant and nurture positive seeds into the hearts and minds of our children that will provide a firm foundation for a lifelong faith.