
There is no right time to start a Business

May 23, 2017 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

For me starting a business was scary. I knew what I wanted to do and the things that I wanted to accomplish but I knew nothing about running a business, finding vendors, or even how to get started. Finally in November 2015, I just decided to go for it. I was still working a 9-5 well actually 8-5 lol and thank God it was an office job. In between calls I would google my ass off on how to start a boutique, filing for my business license and started ordering inventory. I built my inventory by setting aside a certain dollar amount out of each check and on January 1st 2016 Boom I had everything setup and launched my online boutique.
Now mind you I still had no idea what to do from there. I had hired a web artist to setup my online store and I didn't even know how to add new items lmao I called that poor girl a million times asking a dozen questions that I could have figured out on my own had I taken the time to familiarize myself with the platform.
My biggest fear was doing a return. I knew how to receive payments but I had no clue on how to reverse a payment so I was terrified at the idea of a customer requesting a return. Low and behold a couple of months later, I had to process a return and guess what....I sweated bullets for no apparent reason, seriously It was as easy as pushing a few buttons and hitting, get this.....reverse payment. Done!! I have not had many returns but now I feel as though Im a return specialist lol
The moral to my rambling is there truly is no right time to start a business. You just have to go for it, study your craft and go with the flow. Trust me, you will learn as you go and it will all seem so simple. No one is going to give you a blueprint so you have to use all of your resources and google is very friendly with answering any questions that you may have. I also do not mind helping anyone in anyway that I possibly can, so any questions can be left in the comments or you can email me at

Its a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until your ready. I have this feeling that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There's almost no such thing as ready.  There's only now.....
-Hugh Laurie-