
Know your WHY

February 19, 2018 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

To kick off, I’ve got a question for ya: What’s your “WHY”, anyway?
It’s a question every entrepreneur should ask themselves before starting their business, branding, product planning… shoot, it’s something we should consider every time we wake up, too!  
Simon Sinek turned me on to this, and it’s become the core of everything I teach.
Your WHY is the essence of your business, and should be the driving force behind everything you do and create.
Your WHY also underlines your foundational values as a human and entrepreneur — which is the reason it’s so critical to know when you’re trying to define your unique point of view and “secret sauce” when it comes to your products and services.
(It’s also the beating heart of your Brand Archetypes, a.k.a. A mix of 3 core “character types” steeped in human psychology that, when combined, define your brand’s unique look and vibe. But more on that another time.)
When you know your WHY, and you believe in your solution, your culture, and everything you’re creating? You’re able to create truly evocative brand experiences for your business that will stand the test of time (and competition).
But where do you begin trying to find your WHY? By looking within.
Do you remember the dreams you had as a kid, about what you could be when you grow up?
Do you remember how certain things lit you up, and made you feel like you could do them forever?
That’s what the essence of your brand should feel like.
So to begin today’s prompt, start by asking yourself, seriously (either aloud, in your journal, or just in your head):
What’s your purpose?
What do you really believe in?
Why do you exist as an organization?
And why will YOU matter in the world?
Understanding this essence will drive every piece of communication you create, consciously, or unconsciously. It’s first key step to cultivating a brand culture that people will deeply connect with, and follow, long-term.
Need an example? Consider Apple products.
Apple isn’t necessarily always the best in the market in terms of performance, or even the furthest ahead in terms of technology. So how have they achieved such a cult-like status?
People become loyal, lifelong customers of Apple, not just because they love their iPhones or Macbook Pros, but because they’ve fully enrolled and believe in the company’s WHY, a.k.a. their philosophy: they’re completely dedicated to innovation, user-focused operating systems, and beautiful design.
(Psst: Apple has also been using Brand Archetypes as a part of their strategy for years. But I’m sure you already knew that.)
That’s why we’re spending today digging into your WHY — because once you’re clear on that, you’ve found your magic. You’ve found the key element that’s gonna magnetize your perfect people to you by the thousands.
But remember – YOU are the authority here. No one understands your WHY and your core beliefs more than you.
So now, you’ll be sitting down and piecing together exactly what your core beliefs are.
Set a timer, and dedicate about 30 minutes to answering each of the following prompts in a journal. 

  • What do you do?
  • When did you first come up with the idea for your business? What struck you about it?
  • Why is the solution you’re offering different than any other?
  • What do you really believe about the work you’re doing, and the impact it has on people?
  • What do you want other people to believe about the work you’re doing, and the impact it has on people?
  • What do you love most about your work?