February 24, 2018 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

Product Details
Looking for perfect bachelorette party supplies? Already have bachelorette party decorations but need to spice things up with something interesting? Make your party fun and unforgettable, discover funny stories and reveal hidden secrets by playing this game with your girlfriends at a party or any outing. Our "Girls Card Drinking Game" contains 36 "Drink if..." cards with questions ranging from casual to more risqué. With 36 cards you get more options to choose which ones to play with. Made from a premium heavy card stock our cards are small enough to fit into any purse or a pocket and will not affect your outfit decision. Beautiful glamorous design and glossy finish make these cards stand out and look great at any Girl's Night Out, Bachelorette, Birthday or Sorority party. Playing Suggestion: Place a pack of cards with the game title facing up in the middle of a table and have each guest take turns taking one card from the top and reading out loud the "Drink if..." statement. Whoever is guilty of that statement must take a drink. Our "Drinking Game" pack includes a "Wildcard"; if it's played - everyone must drink! Some statements only affect the reader so make sure everyone takes turns. We suggest shuffling the cards prior to playing, but if you want to be devious and plant specific questions in order - that's up to you. Sample Drink If statements: ❥ Drink If you've been abroad ❥ Drink If you have a tattoo ❥ Drink if you're wearing a dress ❥ Drink if you've texted in the last 15 minutes ❥ Drink if you've kissed a girl ❥ Drink if you've ever sunbathed nude And much more... These games have been designed, printed and packaged in the USA.