Self Improvement

Achieve Your Goals

March 11, 2018 INDYS FAVORITE BLOGGER 0 Comments

The 6 simple steps you need to take in order to start setting goals that you can actually achieve. Remember, without taking action none of this matters. Don’t overthink these steps, be clear, be focused and get to it.

 Focus on one, yes only one, #1 goal you would like to achieve in one year.  Personally, I like the timeframe of one year as it’s a workable time period and not so far enough in the future that I’m unable to vividly visual where I would like to be. Please note, we are not talking about your ultimate goal in life, just one main goal or transformation you can commit to.
 WHAT SHOULD YOUR GOAL BE? Take some time to contemplate where you want to be one year from now. “Where” can be a place, a feeling, a monetary or business goal. You decide “where” where is. Write it down, describe it as clearly and as simply as possible, you’ll work out the specific details in the next few steps.
EXAMPLE: “In one year, I want to be in a secure financial and emotional position, where I am ready to quit my full-time job. I will be free to build my dream life, as a creative entrepreneur from the comfort of my home.”

Deconstruct your main goal by setting four “mini-goals,” one for each quarter. If you prefer to give yourself a bit more time, you could set 3 goals, one for every four months. With the extra month, this could be a more realistic timeline for your expectations or to adjust due to any unforeseen complications. Then, pick one mini goal that you will achieve first. 
HOW DO YOU SELECT YOUR MINI-GOALS? There are a few ways you can determine your mini-goals: • Think of your 3 smaller goals as crucial way stations on your journey to you 1-year goal. Where do you have to be before arriving at your “where.” • You could identify three separate components or realms of your main goal, such as financial, emotional and business. • You can set three specific projects for yourself that lead you to your goal. 
EXAMPLE: #1: Saving 4-6 months of my cost of living and expenses, so that I can survive the difficulties of being self-employed. #2: Starting a profitable side-hustle or business. #3: Building up my self-confidence, emotional and mental strength to handle the challenges of being self-employed.

With your first mini-goal set, create your list of “how-tos” by brainstorming every possible idea or step necessary to achieve that particular mini-goal. Only worry about mini-goal #1 for now, move onto the others after achieving the first. 
WHAT SHOULD YOUR LIST OF “HOW-TOS” INCLUDE? Think about the particular “mini-goal” in terms of what is required. What do you need in order to achieve this? Possible requirements could include financial, mentorship, education, time investments, the participation of others, research, and even less tangible needs like emotional support, confidence building or higher self-esteem. EXAMPLE: #1 MINI-GOAL IDEAS: 
• financial literacy on saving or spending less, • creating a budget, cutting expenses, • opening a high-interest savings account, • consulting a partner or spouse, • moving to a cheaper apartment, • DIYing instead of buying and so on. 

Knowing what your priorities are key to achieving the goals you’ve set. You now have a hopefully long list of ideas as to how to achieve your first mini goal. You need to know the difference between what’s absolutely necessary and what’s a would be nice to get done. Sort your ideas by priority level - what’s important and urgent!
 HOW DO YOU KNOW WHICH TASKS ARE PRIORITIES? There are a few ways to determine the priorities for your goals. • Which how-tos can you absolutely not do without, or which are essential to achieving your goal? • Which are both urgent and important - if you don’t complete this key task by a certain time, you won’t achieve your goal on time. • Which tasks need to be completed before you can do another. • Tou could think of your priorities in terms of which is the best use of your time for the greatest possible benefit. Basically, which is a sure thing, or as close to a sure path to your goal. 
EXAMPLE: Creating a budget, determining current spending habits and halting all unnecessary spending are priorities for achieving the mini-goal of saving 4-6 months of income. These tasks are KEY to all other. 

Now that you have your priorities in line, it’s time to schedule them. Look at your weekly schedule and select at least two specific days and times each week you will commit to your goals (one will be your backup time in case your week gets derailed - it happens all the time!).
Your aim here is to create a routine that enables you to develop a habit of achieving your goals. You could also tie your goal slaying time to an existing routine or activity, like while the kids are at tennis or before you go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Whatever time(s) you select, set an alarm, block it off in your planner and calendar, also notify your partner/spouse or family members that you are now busy at these times. Take this commitment seriously. 
HOW MUCH TIME SHOULD YOU COMMIT TO YOUR GOALS EACH WEEK? Honestly, it’s completely up to you and how much you’re willing to give to achieving your goal. I would recommend just committing an hour or so to start each week, then in a few weeks commit more. You need to build up your tolerance and get used to your commitment. Try not to over commit and burn out in the first month of goal setting. 
EXAMPLE: Every Sunday for two hours after dinner and before Game of Thrones comes on and Thursday’s before Grey’s Anatomy to update my budget and booking keeping or research to save money.

Yes, right now. No excuses, you had time to read this, so you have time to do one tiny task for your goal. The time is this now, no more waiting for the perfect moment or planning every other step between where you are now and where you want to be.
These six simple steps are all you need to set your goals and start achieving them. Achievement happens in the action you take in the now, in your day-to-day. This is the only action plan you need to get started. Remember action plan, not a business plan, it’s called action because the important parts happen off the paper. 
BUT, WHAT CAN I EVEN DO RIGHT NOW? Don’t over think it, progress is progress no matter how small. Do some online research, reach out to a contact, sketch out your ideas or write a hundred words of that novel you’ve been putting off. Just do something, just get started. Progress, not perfection. 
EXAMPLE: Create a budget of all my spending (scary I know) and started reducing spending immediately by canceling my paid subscriptions. 

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.“ - ZIG ZIGLAR

For additional help and more in-depth tips order my goal digging workbook